We know that our youth in Canton and Madison County are brilliant, creative, and full of potential. To show them that we believe in their abilities and are a community devoted to their future, we are in need of your generous support. Our world is diverse and rich in culture and knowledge. Most of our children are only exposed to a fraction of this domain because they only interact with youth who come from their neighborhoods. In a world that is more connected and more diverse than ever, they want to connect and participate fully in the global community. Your support will help us prepare our children to think globally while affecting change locally.
​For these reasons, the Pine Grove Association of Canton, Mississippi, and other partners, established the Madison Area Global Innovation Collaborative (MAGIC) to advance global learning and competence among middle school youth.
MAGIC’s ultimate goal is to establish a year-round, out-of-school global learning program, informed by lessons learned during the summer and other ongoing research and development. Our emphasis is on four areas: 1) Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM)/ Innovation; 2) Well-Being and Social Emotional Support; 3) Academic Achievement and 4) Changing the Narrative. We need your help to make this a thriving reality.
Our first summer camp was held in July 2019. Students from various schools in Canton and Madison County engaged with each other for the first time to discuss social issues, similarities and differences, and share their dreams. One of our students desires to own a technology company. MAGIC is assisting him in setting goals and giving him exposure to other cultures, ways of learning and broadening his perspective on life.
Our collaboration will impact our youth and bring distinction to Canton and Madison County. Thanks for helping our children develop into future leaders! Your tax-deductible donation will help us develop our youth into globally-prepared leaders. We accept payments through our website, by check, or CashApp: $PineGrA. Please contact us at 601-761-9424 or pinegroveassoc1@gmail.com if you need additional information.